Rev. Shigaki Shigemasa
Senior Pastor ·
Full Gospel Tokyo Church
Curriculum Vitae
Graduated from Full Gospel Theological Seminary
Graduated from Yonsei University Graduate School of Theology
Secretary General of DCEM(David Cho Evangelistic Mission)
President of the Full Gospel Japan General Assembly
Board member of Church Growth International
Chairman of Full Gospel Bible College and Graduate School President of Sapporo Bible College
Church news
Rev. Shigemasa Shigaki had accompanied Dr. Cho for the world mission for some 40 years until Dr. Cho was called to the Lord. He is one of the most trusted disciples of Dr. Cho and has served for DCEM (David Cho Evangelistic Mission) as Secretary General for decades. He is also a board member of CGI.
On November 2014, Rev. Shigaki became the Senior Pastor of Full Gospel Tokyo Church as a first Japanese minister throughout the 40 year-history of the Full Gospel Church in Japan. The Full Gospel Tokyo Church has been endeavoring to bring 10 million Japanese people to the Lord Jesus by serving as the soul-saving headquarter in Japan.
As a part of the vision to be fulfilled, the Full Gospel Tokyo Church planted a Sapporo branch church in Sapporo, a northernmost city of Japan 4 years ago. Sapporo is known as the birthplace of Japanese Christianity. On April 5, 2022, the Full Gospel Tokyo Church opened Sapporo Bible College and has been training the top-class Christian leaders for Japan Mission.
On October 2021, a memorial service for Dr. Cho was held with all of Full Gospel Church members in Japan attended. Dr. Cho is the founder of the Full Gospel Tokyo Church and Sapporo Bible College.
At the memorial service the attendees determined to fulfill the will of Dr. Cho's dream for Japan Mission.
All continual prayers and concern for the Japan Mission would be very much appreciated. We pray that the Lord will keep all in good health.