Introduction to CGI


Church Growth International (CGI) is an international institute founded in November 1976 by Dr. Yonggi Cho. Since then, CGI has been growing steadily with more pastors and leaders worldwide joining our institute.

Board members of CGI are well known Christian leaders, influential pastors, theologians, and evangelists from across the world. Our board members all serve the mission of the Lord’s work while coming together for the purpose of CGI.

CGI continues to promote the growth of the churches all over the world, making an example of successful pastors and churches based on the biblical principles. Currently, the CGI board consists of 60 pastors and doctors of church growth from more than 25 countries.

CGI, as an international institute, holds a world church growth conference biannually in Seoul, Korea as well as seminars across the world. To this day, CGI has hosted 600 seminars in 100 countries with over 12 million participants.