Dr. Benjamin Mohan
Pastor ·
New Life Assemblies of God
Web: https://nlag.in/
Pastor Benjamin Clifford Mohan is in charge of youth worship and Media and Creative Ministry at New Life Assemblies of God.
We are a 30,000-member Church located in Chennai, India. As a body of Christ we believe in the Great Commission laid down by our Lord Jesus Christ, to go and make disciples of all nations. This is what we seek to accomplish in the life of every believer. Our desire is to equip the body of Christ into the likeness of Christ, blameless and without blemish.
Worship at NLAG is at the core of all we do. We help people experience God through intimate worship in order to develop a lifestyle of worship. For we believe strongly that worship is not just a service or a style but it’s a way of life. The Bible in Romans 12:1 calls us to offer our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is our spiritual act of Worship.