Rev. Luiz Carlos Pinto
Former Pastor · The Faith Cathedral Campinas
About Rev. Luiz Carlos Pinto
Pastor Luis Carlos Pinto is The National Vice President of The Foursquare Gospel Church Igreja Do Evangelho Quadrangular in Campinas, Sao Jose, Brazil.
Pastor Luis Carlos Pinto was born in the City of Marilia, in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, on January 17, 1944. He is the son of Omar Pereira Pinto and Josefa Alves Pinto.
Pastor Luis Carlos Pinto married Vera Lucia de Andrade, and they have two children, Fabio Leonardo and Neila. Pastor Pinto was a councilman in the City of Campinas, and he was the Superintendent, and Bursar of the National Advice of Directors and Evangelists.
Ministry Introduction
Pastor Pinto established churches in the Cities of Are Leopoldo and Novo Hamburg, in the State of the Rio Grande Do Sul and in Bernardo, in the City of Campinas, in the State of Sao Paulo.
Pastor Pinto belongs to the second generation of Pastors of The Church of The International Foursquare, as cited in the "Book of Memories" of Gedrge Russet Faulkner (page 110). Pastor Pinto was part of the group of young pioneers that gave new life to the opening of the work in the 1960's.
This group was also part of Antonio Genaro, Mario de Oliveira, Joshua Bengtson and others. The principle, Luis asked (in behalf of The National Advice Nomination) for the City of New Hamburg, but after arriving there; he found the doors closed.
Nothing was obtained; no radio program and not even a hotel for living quarters. Disappointed, Pastor Pinto decided to go to the Porto Alegre area and wait for a new decision of the CND.
During the trip, the bus passed on the inside of the City of Is Leopoldo. Seeing the city, Pastor Pinto felt and intense desire to be there. God seemed to speak to his heart. Immediately, Pastor Pinto disembarked from the bus, and everything became very positive and receptive.
A hotel gave credit for lodgings and the local radio station granted and hourly program without any problems whatsoever. Pastor Pinto spoke in the public square, and the preacher affirmed, "Now, brothers, we should all concentrate our thoughts on God. The missionary goes to make new converts, and God goes to save and heal the people here".
Pastor Pinto felt that God wanted to operate in a new and exciting way. Pastor Pinto prayed fervently, and the multitude prayed with closed eyes in a respectful manner. Suddenly, a woman began to shout, she came close, and she was crying.
She said, "Missionary, when you asked for us to close our eyes; I could not because I have been blind for 25 years. When Pastor Pinto started to pray; I started to blink and began to see, and now I can see perfectly." The Holy Spirit came in a wave, and it covered the multitude.
Later, a demoniac paralytic of 18 years was delivered and healed. The Crusade results were published in the local newspaper the next day, and Pastor Pinto opened a new work in New Hamburg.
The Lord had opened this work miraculously. A radio program was started and a great church was built in the city. Luis Carlos Pinto remained there for three years as the Managing Field Missionary of The Valley of Bells.
Then in 1972, Pastor Pinto was transferred to the Church of Assis in Sao Paulo, and he pastored for over one year with very good results.
In 1974, he was transferred to Campina in Sao Paulo, and in 2003 he was sent to Santa Catarina. Currently, Pastor Pinto is The Third Vice-President of The National Advice of Directors, National Coordinator of the Diaconato; Superintendent and Pastor of Is Jose of The Mire in the City of Florianopolis of Santa Catarina.