Rev. Hallam Walter
Senior Pastor · Abundant Life Christian Center
Growing up as the third child in a Pastor’s home of seven children, Walter Hallam is no stranger to ministry. Even as a young man, Walter used to say with humor that he desired to become a Christian millionaire and a good deacon – in that order. After graduating from high school, Walter attended college on a baseball scholarship but after the first year enlisted in the United States Air Force. There he served in the Law Office of the JAG working under the Base Judge Advocate as a pare-legal, court-reporter, and counselor for the UCMJ.
After successfully completing his Vietnam-Era military service, Walter earned his Honorable Discharge and began pursuing a successful business career. He has started and run several successful businesses before entering into full-time ministry. Soon after he entered the business world he was being invited to speak in Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International (FGBMFI) Chapters as well as numerous Churches where he would share his testimony of God’s blessing in his young life.
It was during these first adult years of his life that Walter and his child-hood sweetheart, Cindy decided to marry. Together they have raised three beautiful daughters and have six grandchildren.
In 1980, Walter and Cindy began to prepare themselves to enter into full ministry. Much like the story of Abraham being called to a place he did not know, Walter began looking and praying for the place and the type of ministry God had for him. (Hebrews 11:19) In 1984, he spent a lot of time traveling and ministering in the U.S. and seeking the Lord's guidance of where he should go. Late in that year, Walter received a prophetic word from an anointed man of God that he and Cindy were to move to Texas City, Texas and begin ministering the good news of Jesus Christ.
Almost immediately their mission became clear, raise up a strong, faith-filled, family oriented Church that will do its part to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ into the world. Today, Walter and Cindy are the founding Pastors of Abundant Life Christian Center, a vibrant and multi-faceted Church on the Texas Gulf coast.
Today, Pastor Walter Hallam is motivated by a desire to spread the Word of God from "door to door and shore to shore". He has helped train and raise up over 1,000 ministers and Bible school graduates that now reach into over 30 states and over 30 countries world-wide. By utilizing radio, television, the local church, books, CDs, DVDs, etc, they continue to pursue the will of God with a local, national, and international reach.