Dr. James Marocco
Senior Pastor & Chairman · King’s Cathedral and Chapels
Address: 777 Maui Veterans Highway, Kahului, Hawaii, USA
Email: info@kingscentral.net
Web: www.kingscathedral.com
Dr. James Marocco has been the senior pastor of King's Cathedral and Chapel since May, 1980. He holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Vanguard University, a Master of Arts from the University of Southern California in Ancient History, a Master of Divinity and a Doctor of Ministry Degree from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California, specializing in pastoral counseling and church growth. He is a board member of Church Growth International, Seoul, Korea since 1984.
He also serves as the Hawaii State Director for Christians United for Israel and serves on the Board of Directors for Christ of the Nations, Dallas, Texas. He has authored books on Spiritual Warfare, Church growth and Hawaiian history. He and his wife Pastor Colleen Marocco reside on Maui and have 3 adult children serving as pastors and seven grandchildren.
The Apostle Paul wrote in II Corinthians 10:17, "Let him who boasts boast in the Lord". 2021 was one of those year which we boast in what God did. At the beginning of the pandemic in 2020 we were facing the demand for shutdown by the governing authority in Maui as well as throughout our extension campuses. Although affected by the local authority, we were able to continue to "meet together" through a parking lot drive in and drive through service while we adhered to the guidelines set in place. We were able to stream our weekly sermons to reach those who were unable to attend physically. At the beginning of 2021 God gave a prophetic word for King's Cathedral and Chapels, "Fulfilled". 2021 would be a year of fulfillment for that which we had prayed and believed for, God would bring about. That is exactly what happened personally and collectively as a church. In 2020 God gave us a new vision for the next 5 years, that by 2025 we would be one church in 1200 congregations ministering to 120,000 people weekly. This began to become a reality in 2021. Inspite of covid and nations being shut down, we grew in the number of extensions internationally and in the United States, to a combined total of 460 extensions by the end of 2021; 53 extensions in 21 states in the U.S. and 307 internationally in 19 nations. We grew in the number of people saved and added to the church with an estimate total weekly attendance of around 45,000 people-30,000 internationally and 15,000 in the U.S.
We continued to expand by acquiring facilities for some of our congregations in Houston, Texas, Enid, Oklahoma, Pocahontas, Arkansas, and Ozark, Missouri. Currently we are in seven building programs in Ozark and Springfield, Missouri, Wasilla, Alaska, and in Hawaii Kona, Paia, Kauai and the Cathedral on Maui.
God in His mercy fueled this growth by answering our prayers for staff and financial resources. We began praying in the Early Morning Prayer meetings for two million dollars a month to come into the U.S. church and we closed out the year with even more than we prayed for. It is amazing how God intervened on our behalf for which we give him all the praise and glory. As a church we "boast in the Lord" for all He did in 2021 and we look forward to an even greater harvest in 2022.