Dr. Hendrik Vorster
President and Founder · Cornerstone Ministries International Church Planting Institute
Ministry profile
Bishop Dr. Hendrik Vorster is the President and Founder of Cornerstone Ministries International with 3556 churches on three Continents. He founded this ministry in Brisbane, Australia in 2012. His largest Cornerstone congregation is in Lahore, Pakistan, where they have 189 churches. He serves as a Consecrated Bishop in the Charismatic Churches of India Diocese in the Anglican Church of India. His network of churches grew to 3245 churches in India.
Dr. Vorster founded the Church Planting Institute in 2012 and during this time mobilized over 132,000 Church Planters in 78 Nations to pioneer new churches. The research of the Barna research Group found that 2.5 churches are planted, on average, through each of those who complete his 3-day training. We see an average of 46 people come to Christ through each of these new churches within the first 3 years of existence. We estimate that we have seen the planting of some 330,000 churches over the past 10 years. We estimate that the Body of Christ grew with around 15,180,000 as a direct result of our Disciple-making, Church Planting work.
Dr. Vorster founded www.discipleshipcourses.com in 2020. We developed and field-tested a 5-step Discipleship process over the past 40 years. Since launching it in 2018, we have seen the tremendous impact on over 50,000 churches in 75 Nations. Several have grown into the thousands as a direct result of this proven process. We celebrate that we now have the largest churches in several Nations. The Discipleship Foundation Series is available in 22 languages at present.