Bishop Robin Oliver
Founder & Senior Pastor · Interfellowship Global Ministries
Bishop Robin and Pastor Jean Oliver are the Senior Pastors and founders of Interfellowship Global Ministries in Durban, South Africa.
Bishop Oliver was ordained by the General Secretary of the Assemblies of God in 1982 and also by the International Federation of Christian Churches in 1994.
Bishop Oliver was a member of the Assemblies of God for 10 years and served as Assistant Pastor in the Assemblies of God for 4 years when God spoke to Him about starting Interfellowship.
Interfellowship was started in 1984 with 10 members in Bishop Oliver's sister and brother-in-law's lounge.
Interfellowship is now ministering to several thousand people on a weekly basis.
Just like every other church around the world we were affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic.
God spoke to Bishop Oliver about using Social Media to reach people and within 12 months Bishop Oliver now has a strong following of more than 40,000 Followers and Connections on LINKEDIN. Total post impressions is more than 700,000 over 12 months.
Interfellowship purchased premises which accommodate their 3,500 seatauditorium, and Church offices.
Bishop Oliver serves on the Healing Jesus Campaign International Board, headed by Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, Accra, Ghana.
He has traveled Ghana extensively on ministry work.
Bishop Robin is a visionary who is passionate about seeing ordinary people becoming all that God intended for them to be.
Bishop Robin and Pastor Jean Oliver have four children named Craig, Rene, Deborah and Jeremy. They also have 11 grandchildren.